Day: July 2, 2017

Congratulations to Doctor of Law and Policy Cohorts IX, X, and XI


Dear Cohort IX,

You have now completed your Doctor of Law and Policy studies at Northeastern University, and many of you have already defended your dissertations. The rest of you will do so shortly. On behalf of Cohort VIII, we congratulate every one of you.

Dear Cohort X,

Well, now you’re the seniors. You’ve already started your core writing, and there is an end in sight, albeit a bit blurred right now. Sit down, strap in, and drive forward. You can and will do it, and know that you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Dear Cohort XI,

You’ll soon be asking yourselves what you gotten yourselves into. That’s okay. You’ll figure it out by the end of this year. Hang in there. Enjoy the ride, if not the hard work needed to power the ride. In a few years you’ll realize just how important the program is for you professionally, and personally.

I strongly advise you to actively engage with the members of Cohort X. You’ll learn more, faster about the program from them than from any other source. Don’t isolate yourselves at mealtimes and break times. Sit at the tables with the members of Cohort X, ask them questions, and listen to their answers. You’ll be better off if you do.

To all of you in all three Cohorts, CONGRATULATIONS and full steam ahead!

Dr. Jonathan L. Kramer (Cohort VIII, ’16)